Kamis, 26 April 2012

Black is Better

Yeah, last time I went to the book store. I saw an awesome goods. What is that? A color mechanical pencil leads. I though it was amazing write with pencil that give you pink, purple, and blue color in paper. Then I bough one.

Badly, it wasn't as pretty as I supposed. My writing wasn't readable. At least my curiosity was gone. And I can say that black is better.

FYI, there is not only lead with diameter 0.5 mm but also 0.7 mm. So, notice carefully. Because I bought pencil for 0.7 mm lead and one dozen 0.5 mm lead. They are not matching. Then I came back to get their match =(

color leads, 0.7 mm, and 0.5 mm

4 komentar:

  1. black is better :)
    also when i write this comment *invisible teh* ^.^

  2. yeah, I also confused for the 1st time. I can not change the setting

  3. Makin malem makin kaco nih fajar *merhatiin komen2nya =D
