He was the reason I studied hard (in that time I though "He is clever, so must I")
He was the reason I begun not to be always affraid of darkness (in that time I though "Hey!! He is alone with victim at night!! How brave!!")
He was the reason I got a will to learn anything (in that time I though "I wanna make a detective story, I wanna be a mangaka, I wanna learn to make manga in Japan, I wanna... I wanna.... I wanna.........")
seems stupid and childish. But it was a fact
Now I should straight my will
and thanks to Allah that made me be able to take a lot of experience through it
my favourite anime :D
BalasHapusyeah Detective Conan and Rurouni Kenshin were booming in Japan
BalasHapuspnya filemnya ga :D, males donlot
BalasHapusg punya filmnya
BalasHapusdonloadnya paling soundtrack ajah & manganya
skrg udah insap